3 Common Myths About Nutrition


MYTH 1 ❌ Calories In vs Calories Out is the only thing that matters ⁣

💁‍♀️ Whilst it’s true that calories are one of most important metrics of your diet .. they’re definitely NOT the only thing to focus on !!⁣

The breakdown of your macronutrients is equally important - as each macronutrient plays a different role within the body ⁣

For example .. if someone’s diet only consisted of carbohydrates - then many parts of their body would begin to shut down (due to a deficiency in protein and fats)⁣

Which is why you need to focus on consuming a balance of each macronutrient so your body can function at it’s best ✅ ⁣

MYTH 2 ❌ Specialised Diets (such as Keto, Intermittent Fasting etc) are superior to Regular Diets ⁣

💁‍♀️ Here’s the thing .. virtually ALL diets work - AS LONG AS - you’re compliant with them !! ⁣

Therefore .. you may find certain diets work better for YOU (based on your personal preferences and lifestyle) ⁣

But don’t be fooled into thinking there’s a “magic diet” .. just make sure the approach you choose is sustainable for YOU ✅⁣

NOTE: The only exception to this is if you have some type of medical condition and require a specialised diet as treatment (like my son who was diagnosed with celiac’s disease) ⁣

MYTH 3 ❌ All diets are evil and unsustainable ⁣

The purpose of a diet is to achieve a specific outcome (this shouldn’t be confused for a general eating plan) ⁣

If you’re happy with where you’re currently at and don’t feel the need to change - then maybe following a diet isn’t right for you and you’d be better following a more flexible approach⁣

But if you’re someone that has a specific goal that you’d like to achieve - then you need a plan to you get there !! ⁣

Keep in mind .. that DOESN’T mean it has to ruin your life - but it does mean you need to have some sort of strategy in place to help you achieve your goal ✅⁣


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