Top Tips for Deep, Quality Sleep


Did you know that over 40% of the people around the world are sleep-deprived? Not having enough sleep is detrimental to health and can cause:

Weight gain...!!!

Weak Immune System...!!!

Difficulty in concentrating...!!!

Risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and heart attacks...!!!

Wrinkles in skin, bagged eyes and fine lines...!!!

If you are someone who seem to have difficulty sleeping or to stay asleep for longer than a few hours and you constantly wake up multiple times throughout the night, then follow these 3 simple science- backed tips to improve your sleep quality instantly:

  1. Optimize your sleep environment

    Set your bedroom up for sleep success - ideally cool, dark and comfortable. Investing in a quality mattress and pillows that fit with your comfort level can also go a long way.

  2. Avoid screens (blue light) before bed

    Our brain is tricked into thinking that it is daytime by the blue light from our phones, computers and televisions. It releases hormones to keep you wide awake. Therefore, try finding other ways to wind down for bed like meditation, lighting candles or even reading a book.

  3. Avoid caffeine and alcohol after 4pm

    Caffeine and alcohol can take up to and over 10 hours to fully exit your body causing issues falling and staying asleep. Avoid the nightcap and try a soothing drink instead like chamomile tea or warm milk

But if you have tried them all and still have trouble sleeping? Then check out 5-HTP by Protiv Nutrition

  • Plays an important role in sleep management

  • Converted into serotonin by the body

  • May support to reduce stress and improve mental well-being

  • Contains naturally extracted Griffonia Simplicifolia seed with zero additives or unnecessary ingredients

  • Vegan & Vegetarian Friendly

  • Made in the UK to GMP Standards


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